welcome to this funny looking green and purple website

hello, my name is alice and i've been wanting to make something for a while. whether it be some sort of webcomic or website, I wasn't sure. but after looking at how some of the artists that i follow post their work on neocities (rather than limiting themselves to twitter and instagram, i decided to take up the mantle of making my own website as well! lots of self-expression. very nice. i think my biggest website creating inspiration probably comes from older websites that just have a lot of sovl... websites that were purely for talking about one thing or obsessing over the tiniest details from smth 10 years ago. i don't necessarily know if this is going to be the case for this website, but i can sure hope it will be. please look forward to whatever i put on here later, since i hope to actually participate in the world of the internet instead of just lurking all the time. lurking isn't bad, but it feels a bit wasteful especially when i don't even do much else. 내가 한국어도 배우고 싶어요...

UPDATE: I'm back and now have free time and an existential crisis. hopefully webmastering will help with that. unfortunately I still suck with html and css... but now I have a reason for making this website. mark my words, it shall be done. Also if you're still here, here's my manga blog on WordPress (also a WIP). Eventually this neocities page will also be centered around manga, but hopefully just everything in general. I don't find myself to be a very interesting person.. but hopefully making this will motivate me n you to actively consume rather than sitting and watching 3 minute YouTube videos all day.